Daily Tasks
Daily Check-In:
Check in once per day.
Reset at 23:59 UTC daily.
Earn 500 points for a successful check-in.
Daily Check-In Streak:
Maintain a 7-day streak for 5,000 points.
Maintain a 15-day streak for 15,000 points.
Streak resets if missed a day or upon claiming the 15-day reward.
One-Time Tasks
Complete these tasks to earn points:
Follow WOW3 on Twitter
Join the WOW3 Discord Server
Visit the WOW3 Website
Join WOW3 Group Chat on Telegram
Invite 3 friends to WOW3 Coin Flip
And more
Unlock Auto Farming Booster after completing 6 one-time tasks.
Tasks are updated regularly, with new opportunities added as we enhance the WOW3 experience.
Partner Tasks
Engage with our partners to earn additional points:
Follow or interact with partner platforms
Complete partner-specific actions
Points from partner tasks add to your total score.
Partner tasks are updated periodically to include new opportunities.
Last updated